Cartesi (CTSI)

See where to buy, sell & trade Cartesi (CTSI) at the best prices. Compare CTSI pairs across exchanges to get the best price for your portfolio.

Where to buy Cartesi (CTSI)

Need the best Cartesi exchange to buy/sell/trade CTSI? Here's our list of Cartesi exchanges, ranked by liquidity and number of CTSI markets. To explore and compare specific CTSI pairs & prices, look for the 'Cartesi Markets' section below.
Exchange Liquidity Rank CTSI Pairs
#1 0 Trade
#2 0 Trade
#3 0 Trade
#4 0 Trade
#5 0 Trade
#6 0 Trade
#7 1 Trade
#8 0 Trade

Cartesi (CTSI) Price & Market Data

Cartesi is priced today at $0.13 with a 24-hour trading volume of $3,483,722.00. CTSI price has moved 3.33243% in the last 24 hours. CI’s coin ranking places Cartesi at position 186 with a market cap of $107,731,507.00.

Cartesi (CTSI) Markets

Select a compatible CTSI pair from the table below to compare it across the best exchanges, for the best market rates and liquidity (spreads).
  • USD
  • EURO
  • GBP
Pair Price Spread
CTSI/USDT $0.132627 0.248382 Trade
CTSI/BTC $0.131077 1.895735 Trade