

Indodax is one of the top cryptocurrency exchanges where traders can buy, sell and trade a variety of digital currencies. Indodax has a reported 24-hour trading volume of $43,893,389 and traders can expect an average bid-ask liquidity spread of 2.599%.

💧 CI Liquidity Rank 2.599 (#51) 📈 24H Volume $43,893,389 (#24)
📌 Headquartered Indonesia 🧱 Founded 2014
⭕️ Coins: 96 🔀 Pairs: 600

Crypto Market Listings on Indodax

Indodax has a reported trading volume of $43,893,389 in the last 24 hours. Traders can expect an average bid-ask liquidity spread of 2.599. Indodax is ranked position #51 among exchanges for liquidity.

  • USD
  • EURO
  • GBP
Coin Pair Price Spread
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