Get live FTM to BNB conversion rate and best exchange prices with our conversion calculator.

Best FTM to BNB Exchanges

Compare prices & liquidity spreads for Fantom (FTM) to BNB across these top coin exchanges.

Exchange Price Spread
FTM to BNB Calculator
1 FTM = 0.00128682 BNB
0.00128682 BNB
1 BNB = 777.109464 FTM
FTM/BNB is trading today at 0.00128682BNB. 24-hour trading volumes are reported at $-214,911,017.11. Fantom to Binance Coin conversion rate is calculated live based on data from multiple exchanges. FTM/BNB exchange rate was last updated on December 26, 2024 at 17:14 UTC.

Convert FTM To BNB

1 FTM 0.001287BNB
5 FTM 0.006434BNB
10 FTM 0.0129BNB
25 FTM 0.0322BNB
50 FTM 0.0643BNB
100 FTM 0.129BNB
500 FTM 1BNB
1000 FTM 1BNB
10,000 FTM 13BNB

Convert BNB To FTM

1 BNB 777.109464FTM
5 BNB 3,885.547318FTM
10 BNB 7,771.094636FTM
25 BNB 19,427.736591FTM
50 BNB 38,855.473182FTM
100 BNB 77,710.946364FTM
500 BNB 388,554.731820FTM
1,000 BNB 777,109.463639FTM
10,000 BNB 7,771,094.636390FTM

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FTM /USDT 0.99538324USDT $0.89370000