Get live CELO to USDT conversion rate and best exchange prices with our conversion calculator.

Best CELO to USDT Exchanges

Compare prices & liquidity spreads for Celo (CELO) to Tether (USDT) across these top coin exchanges.

Exchange Price Spread
Trade 0.411USDT 0.243902
Trade 0.4091USDT 0.048876
Trade 0.4081USDT 0.073538
Trade 0.4099USDT 0.073135
Trade 0.42037USDT 16.934279
Trade 0.4086USDT 0.024486
Trade 0.4148USDT 3.077296
Trade 0.4067USDT 0.024558
Trade 0.40395USDT 1.084337
CELO to USDT Calculator
1 CELO = 0.408435 USDT
0.408435 USDT
1 USDT = 2.448370 CELO
CELO/USDT is trading today at 0.408435USDT. 24-hour trading volumes are reported at $-6,745,494.48. Celo to Tether conversion rate is calculated live based on data from multiple exchanges. CELO/USDT exchange rate was last updated on February 8, 2025 at 12:54 UTC.

Convert CELO To USDT

1 CELO 0.408435USDT
5 CELO 2.042175USDT
10 CELO 4.0844USDT
25 CELO 10.2109USDT
50 CELO 20.4218USDT
100 CELO 40.844USDT
500 CELO 204USDT
1000 CELO 408USDT
10,000 CELO 4,084USDT

Convert USDT To CELO

1 USDT 2.448370CELO
5 USDT 12.241850CELO
10 USDT 24.483700CELO
25 USDT 61.209250CELO
50 USDT 122.418500CELO
100 USDT 244.837000CELO
500 USDT 1,224.184999CELO
1,000 USDT 2,448.369998CELO
10,000 USDT 24,483.699977CELO

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Pair Target Price
CELO /IDR Rp6,676

More CELO to Crypto Markets:

Select your CELO to Crypto pair to get the best exchange price and bid-ask liquidity spread:
Pair Target Price Converted Price
CELO /USDT 1.00034060USDT $0.40810000