Litecoin (LTC)

See where to buy, sell & trade Litecoin (LTC) at the best prices. Compare LTC pairs across exchanges to get the best price for your portfolio.

Litecoin (LTC) Price & Market Data

Litecoin is priced today at $103.63 with a 24-hour trading volume of $21,410,481.00. LTC price has moved 0.33799% in the last 24 hours. CI’s coin ranking places Litecoin at position 13 with a market cap of $7,821,619,918.00.

Litecoin (LTC) Markets

Select a compatible LTC pair from the table below to compare it across the best exchanges, for the best market rates and liquidity (spreads).
  • USD
  • EURO
  • GBP
Pair Price Spread
LTC/USD $103.23 0.193611 Trade
LTC/USDT $103.03 0.19305 Trade
LTC/BTC $103.15 0.186393 Trade
LTC/ETH $101.99 0.101317 Trade
LTC/EUR $102.91 0.050181 Trade
LTC/GBP $102.8 0.048257 Trade
LTC/USDC $103.28 0.048421 Trade
LTC/BRL $103.84 0.162652 Trade
LTC/MXN $103.99 1.067466 Trade
LTC/DAI $102.82 0.202739 Trade
LTC/XRP $104.02 0.639561 Trade
LTC/TRY $104.46 0.188528 Trade
LTC/TWD $102.46 0.974567 Trade
LTC/UAH $110.19 1.094092 Trade